Departure Places:ANTALYA AIRPORT

We meet at Antalya Airport at 04:30 in the morning and fly to İstanbul with the 06:05 Pegasus Airlines flight. We get to our vehicle waiting for us at the airport and reach Maşukiye, a natural wonder. We start our tour by breathing the clean and oxygen-rich air of Maşukiye, which is located among the forests. The name of Maşukiye comes from maşuk which means "in love". The natural beauties around make you say "whoever comes here falls in love". We have our breakfast in this natural wonder place that makes everyone say they will come again, and after the free time we will give, we see Sapanca Lake and move towards Ormanya Natural Life Park, formerly known as Uzun Tarla Nature Park. Ormanya Wildlife Park is the third largest natural habitat in the world and the largest in Europe. Ormanya Natural Life Park, where all the needs of living things are fulfilled in order to live in an environment closest to their natural conditions, hosts 467 animals from 53 different species (Fall deer, gazelles, roe deer, etc.) and plant species. We also visit the area where the Hobbit houses, which are famous for the movie "Lord of the Rings" and "The Hobbits", are located. Then we go to Lake Efteni, located in the Gölyaka district of Düzce province, which is said to be named after a Byzantine queen, Eftelya. According to the narrative, the Byzantine army stopped in an area on the shore of the lake while returning from the war. On the way, Princess Eftelya had wounds on her hands and face. The wounds of the princess, who took a bath on the lake shore, began to heal and her skin began to improve the next morning. Seeing this, the Byzantine Emperor wanted a bath to be built in the place where the hot water springs on the shore of this lake are located. He left his caretakers with Princess Eftelya and left. The princess, whose wounds healed and became beautiful, fell in love with an Ottoman youth living in the foothills of the mountain on the opposite shore while she was strolling on the lake. The princess and the young Ottoman boy began to visit each other. Another day, while the princess was going to her lover, her boat sank in the lake and drowned. After that day, they called the lake "Efteni". After our lake visit, we pass to Güzeldere waterfall, one of the biggest and most popular waterfalls in Düzce. With our guests, we can walk down the iron stairs in the forest and go down to the waterfall. After a full day, we go to our hotel in Düzce for dinner and accommodation.


Breakfast: Extra

Lunch: Extra 

Dinner: at the Hotel

Accommodation: DÜZCE ANIL OTEL


We have our breakfast at the hotel in the morning. We take a pleasant walk in the lap of nature when we reach Abant Lake, the pearl of the Western Black Sea. After the photo break we will give, we start our tour with the minibusses we rented extra to go to the Seven Lakes. Here you can experience all the beauty of nature and beautiful lakes; We are familiar with Nazlı Lake, İnce Lake, Small Lake, and Big Lake. Then we move on to Devrek, famous for its walking sticks. After our walking “Baston Bazaar” tour, we go to our hotel.

Breakfast: at the Hotel

Lunch: Extra 

Dinner: at the Hotel

Accommodation: DEVREK OTEL http://www.devrekotel.com/


We have our breakfast at the hotel in the morning, we start our journey to Safranbolu. First, we see the Crystal Terrace built on Tokatlı Canyon, 80 m high and 11 m wide. We take pictures of the unique Tokatlı Canyon view. We see Safranbolu Houses, District Governors Mansion, Cinci Inn, Yemeniciler Arastası, Köprülü Mosque, Hıdırlık Hill, Namazgah and Old Government House. After our Safranbolu tour, the village of Güzelcehisar, 17 km away from the city center of Bartın, where history and nature are intertwined, the forested areas on the Black Sea coast, the sea, the sand, and the unique sunset that fascinates those who see it, are a must-see. It is a major attraction. Lava columns, examples of which are found in Northern Ireland, Scotland, and California in the world, are only found in Bartın Güzelcehisar in Turkey. The history of Güzelcehisar lava columns goes back 80 million years. We take a photo break on the viewing terrace so that we can watch the columnar lava rising like a wall from the sea. Then we go to Inkumu, a charming town with the impressive beauty of its nature and beach, summer houses built on the slope of the mountain, and its 3 km long beach. After the panoramic tour, we give free time and go to our hotel in Bartın.

Breakfast: at the Hotel

Lunch: Extra 

Dinner: at the Hotel

Accommodation: KEMİKPARK OTEL https://www.kemikpark.com/


We have our breakfast at the hotel in the morning, we get to our vehicle to go to Amasra, where Fatih calls Çeşm-i Cihan (Eye of the World). In Amasra, which we will reach after a short journey; We visit Amasra Castle, Kemere Bridge, Fatih Mosque, and old town houses. After the free time we will give at the Cekiciler bazaar, we take our lunch and go to Çakraz, another corner of paradise, a holiday resort connected to Amasra. After our panoramic tour in Çakraz, which is home to ancient civilizations due to its natural cove, we are going to Dahaos Bay, which is another natural wonder. The history of Giteros bay dates back to the 15th century BC. It is written that the first city-state in Gideros was founded by the Amazons and was destroyed by Alexander the Great's sister-in-law, Amastris. It is possible to say that the sparkling water is very calm since the part of the bay where it opens to the sea is very narrow. In addition, since it is among the destinations that have not yet been discovered, we sip our tea against the sea in this paradise corner, where we will see every shade of blue and green, and then we meet with our vehicle and go to Cide, which has hosted many civilizations throughout history with its kilometers long coast, magnificent bays and forests in front of steep mountains to the coast. As in most regions of Anatolia, the history of Cide is as old as the history of humanity. Homer mentions Cide in the Iliad he wrote about 2800 years ago: “We passed through the land of the highly cultured Henets; From Kiteros to Aycelos”. Cide passed under the rule of the Ottoman Empire after the Anatolian Seljuks took Kastamonu in 1213 and the Fatih Sultan Mehmet in 1460. We are visiting the Rıfat Ilgaz Museum, where Rıfat Ilgaz, the author of the Hababam Class, was born in Cide, which is the pearl of the Western Black Sea and has a 12 km long coast. After our museum tour, we go to our hotel in Kastamonu.


Breakfast: at the Hotel

Lunch: Extra 

Dinner: at the Hotel

Accommodation: MÜTEVELLİ OTEL http://www.mutevelli.com.tr/


 We have our breakfast at the hotel in the morning, and after visiting the Nasrullah Kadı Mosque and Liva Pasha Mansion, we visit Kastamonu Castle, Şaban-ı Veli Complex, Cumhuriyet Square. After the photo break, we will give at the clock tower, we meet with our vehicle and go to Sinop. First, we go to Hamsilos Fjord and Nature Park. At this point, where we approach the northernmost tip of our country, which sets an example for the fjords found only on the Norwegian coast in the world, with its extremely beautiful nature, we photograph the insatiable view of the Black Sea from wide angles and enjoy the view to the fullest, then we move to the city center. We are visiting Sinop Prison, which is known for its famous people. Historical Sinop Closed Prison, also known as "Anatolia's Alcatraz", is a prison that was closed in 1999 and turned into a museum. The building, which dates back to ancient times, has been the subject of poems and songs. The castle, which hosts the prison, which has sea on three sides and is located within the historical castle walls, was built by the Gaskans, who were the rulers of the region, about 4000 years ago. Greek, Pontus, Roman, Byzantine, Seljuk and Ottomans protected and strengthened the castle in their own time. The oldest documents regarding the use of the castle as a prison date back to 1568. Evliya Çelebi mentioned this dungeon in his travel book as follows; "It is a big and terrible castle. It has 300 iron gates, gigantic guards, arms tied to iron bars, 10 men hanged from each mustache, and many notorious prisoners. The guards roam around its bastions like dragons. God forbid, convicts don't run away from there, not even a bird." The official transformation of the inner castle into a dungeon was in 1887. At that time, Sinop Governor Veysel Pasha added a bath along with new buildings. In 1939, another building was built to be used as a children's prison. After our prison visit, we go to the observation terrace on the hill that sees Sinop from above and photograph Sinop, then we go to our hotel. Accommodation and dinner will be at the hotel.


Breakfast: at the Hotel

Lunch: Extra 

Dinner: at the Hotel

Accommodation: SİNOP SİS HOTEL




We have our breakfast at the hotel in the morning, and our stop in Samsun is Batı Park. We see the Amazon village and the Amazon statue, which describes the life of female warrior tribes. The Amazons, who established cities-states and continued their matriarchal life between 3000-2000 BC, also lived in Terme for a while, and an Amazon village was created in First Step West Park in memory of them. We visit the village, which is decorated with wax statues reflecting the daily life of these brave, brave, warrior women, and after the free time we will give, we get on our vehicle and visit the Tekkeköy Caves Archeology Valley, which has thousands of years of history in Samsun. Known as the third oldest human settlement in Turkey; We visit the Tekkeköy Caves, which contain the remains of the Paleolithic Age, Mesolithic Age and Bronze Age and reveal the first-floor settlement with its caverns in layers. Tekkeköy Caves Archeology Valley Museum House, the last museum opened in Samsun, was created by restoring one of the three registered old Greek houses in the valley. Inside; We visit the museum house, which is Turkey's first imitation museum, which houses the materials about the life in the cave and its surroundings, pottery pieces and sculptures found in the excavations in the caves, with the narrations of our guide. We visit the Bandırma Ferry, the ferry on which they came to Samsun. In Samsun Municipal Park, we visit the Atatürk Honor Monument, which has become the symbol of Samsun, erected on the spot where Mustafa Kemal Atatürk first came to the city, and built by the Australian Sculptor Heinrich Krippel. Mantika Palace, the hotel where Mustafa Kemal Atatürk stayed when he came to Samsun, was restored in 1940 and turned into a museum. We visit this building that serves as the Gazi Museum, pass to Samsun Airport and return to Antalya by the Sun Express plane at 19:50. We bid you farewell to meet in another organization.

Breakfast: at the Hotel

Lunch: Extra 

History OptionsavailabilityDouble Room
Per person
2. child
14.10.2024Tur BedeliSorunuz21.900,00 TL0 - 2 Age 500,00 TL
3 - 11 Age 19.900,00 TL
Departure Places

    Cancellation Conditions

    Kışla mahallesi Güllük caddesi A. Tugayoğlu Apt. No: 22/N Muratpaşa /ANTALYA

    This printout is on 30.09.2024 04:24. may make changes to the tour schedule and prices. Please check again at the time of booking.